Export ads as expanded text ads or responsive ads

  • Starting June 30, 2022, you’ll no longer be able to create or edit expanded text ads.
  • Expanded text ads will continue to serve, and you'll still find reports on their performance going forward.
  • You'll still be able to pause and resume your expanded text ads, or remove them if needed.
  • We strongly encourage you to transition to responsive search ads.
  • Learn more about this change to expanded text ads

Google Ads Editor lets you export certain ads into expanded text ads or responsive ads. You can export text ads into expanded text ads, which provide more space for your ad text, or responsive ads, which automatically adjust their size, appearance, and format to fit almost any available ad space. You can also export expanded text ads as responsive ads.


Export text ads as expanded text ads

  1. In the account tree, select the account that has the campaign you’d like to edit.
  2. In the type list, select Ads and then Text ads.
  3. In the data view, select the ads you’d like to convert into expanded text ads.
  4. Click Export as and select Export as expanded text ads.
  5. Choose your file type and where you’d like to save the file.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Open the file.
  8. Fill out these missing fields:
    • Headline 2 (required)
    • Path 1/Path 2 (optional)
      • You can also update your description to be up to 80 characters long.
  9. Save the file using a new name.
  10. In the Google Ads Editor account manager, select the account where you’d like to import the file.
  11. Click Import and then From file…
  12. When the import is done, click Finish.

Export text ads as responsive ads

  1. In the account tree, select the account that has the campaign you’d like to edit.
  2. In the type list, select Ads and then Text ads.
  3. In the data view, select the ads you’d like to convert into responsive ads.
  4. Click Export as and select Export as responsive ads.
  5. Choose your file type and where you’d like to save the file.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Open the file.
  8. Fill out these missing fields:
    1. Long headline
    2. Business name
    3. Image
  9. Save the file using a new name.
  10. In the Google Ads Editor account manager, select the account where you’d like to import the file.
  11. Click Import and then From file…
  12. When the import is done, click Finish.

Export expanded text ads as responsive ads

  1. In the account tree, select the account that has the campaign you’d like to edit.
  2. In the type list, select Ads and then Expanded text ads.
  3. In the data view, select the ads you’d like to convert into responsive ads.
  4. Click Export as and select Export as responsive ads.
  5. Choose your file type and where you’d like to save the file.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Open the file.
  8. Fill out these missing fields:
    1. Business name
    2. Image
  9. In the Google Ads Editor account manager, select the account where you’d like to import the file.
  10. Click Import and then From file…
  11. When the import is done, click Finish.

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