Coming soon: November 13, 2023 edition

See what's coming to Display & Video 360 over the next few weeks 

YouTube Select Shorts in Display & Video 360 Instant Reserve

Advertisers can soon reserve Shorts ads on YouTube Select lineups using Display & Video 360 Instant Reserve at a fixed CPM with guaranteed delivery at agreed rates or market rates. Advertisers will be able to extend the reach of their existing media buys and target Shorts-only inventory with YouTube Select Shorts lineups in Instant Reserve. 

Learn more about Instant Reserve deals for YouTube

Brand Lift for CTV

Display & Video 360 Cross-Exchange brand lift studies will offer the ability to measure ad effectiveness of ads on CTV devices. This can help align your CTV campaigns with your marketing objectives, measuring ad recall, brand awareness, and consideration.

QR code call-to-action (CTA) overlays for Instant Reserve deals on connected TV as a limited pilot

Select accounts participating in the pilot will get the option to render a QR code on CTV devices for Instant Reserve campaigns with non-skippable YouTube ads. This lets viewers scan the QR code to open the click-through URL on their mobile devices. This helps enhance viewers’ brand engagement through the landing page and lets you measure conversion metrics.


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