What's new: August 2023

Campaign and workflow updates

Similar audiences no longer supported

Display & Video 360 is evolving its audience targeting towards more durable solutions. Similar audiences, also known as similar segments, are no longer available for targeting or reporting and have been removed from ad groups and campaigns.

Make sure to review your YouTube & partners campaigns since your targeting may have been updated to get as close as possible to getting the same behavior and results that you were getting with similar audiences. 

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Product and consideration campaigns
    • If you were targeting similar audiences: Your campaign was automatically switched to use audience expansion. 
    • If you were targeting first-party audiences with a separate similar audience seed list: You'll need to manually turn on audience expansion.
    • Audience expansion provides a similarity-based first party audience expansion experience generating look-alike audiences. Learn more about Audience expansion for YouTube.
  • YouTube video action campaigns
    • If you were only targeting similar audiences before: You'll need to switch to a different type of audience targeting if you want to use optimized targeting. 
    • Optimized targeting helps find new and relevant audiences beyond your manually-selected audience segments. Learn more about Optimized targeting.

You’ll continue to be able to access historical reporting for similar audiences from previous segments.


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