
Create insertion and change orders

Planning enables you to create insertion and change orders from templates you've created. You can then generate contract documents to record an agreement and enable execution.

In addition, you can create and store information that’s available to every order you create in your account:

  • Terms and conditions
  • Publisher contact info

These procedures are described below.

Create an order template

We know that many contracts are executed with the same contacts and terms, so we recommend that you begin by creating order templates.

To create an order template, follow these steps:

  1. On the left, click the Orders icon.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a name for the order. (We recommend using “template” in the name.)
  4. Optionally, choose a site from your account or Site Directory to which you can link orders using this template.
  5. Optionally, select one or more approvers from a drop-down list.
  6. Enter terms and conditions for the order. These will be added verbatim to the contract document that will be created from the order. You can also create terms and conditions separately that can be added to any order. See "Create reusable terms and conditions", below.
  7. Optionally, enter additional comments. These will be added verbatim to the contract document that will be created from the order.
  8. Optionally, enter buyer notes. These are private notes that are visible only to your agency, and will never appear in any document.
  9. Next, enter information about your agency, starting with your organization’s name.
  10. Optionally, enter an invoice number.
  11. Enter information for contacts and billing contacts at your agency.
  12. Next, enter information about the publisher, starting with the organization’s name.
  13. Optionally, enter their order number.
  14. Enter their contact information.
  15. Click Save to save the template.
When you are creating an order template, you don’t use the Order documents area, as this creates an insertion or change order.
Create reusable terms and conditions

To create terms that you can use in any order you create in your account, follow these steps:

  1. Click the gear icon at the top of any Planning page in the account or subaccount in which you want the T&C to be available. Then click Terms and Conditions.
  2. On the View Terms and Conditions page that appears, click New.

    ➢ If you don’t see a New button, you don’t have permission to add and edit terms and conditions to your agency’s collection. See the section below, “Getting permission to add reusable terms and conditions”, and return here when you have permission.

  3. Enter a name for this set of terms and conditions.
  4. Enter the terms and conditions in the Content box. You can use up to 50,000 characters.
  5. Click Save. The new T&C will be visible on the View Terms and Conditions page. You can edit any of the T&C from here.
  6. To return to where you were in Planning, click your browser’s back button, or click Planning at the top of the page to return to the Projects view.

Getting permission to add reusable terms and conditions

You must have permission through Campaign Manager 360 Trafficking to create reusable terms and conditions. If your Campaign Manager 360 account doesn’t enable you to grant yourself the required permission, ask the administrator to grant you the permission. Here are the steps for that person to follow:

  1. Go into Trafficking and click Admin at the top of the page.
  2. Select Subaccounts or User roles, depending on to whom you want to grant access.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the permissions list to the Planning heading.
  4. Select “Terms and conditions: full access”.
  5. At the top of the page, click Save. The subaccount or user will now be able to create and edit T&C that can be reused across all your orders. All others will be able to read the T&C, but will not be able to edit them or create new ones.

Once you’ve created one or more sets of terms and conditions, the T&C will be available when you create a new order or edit an existing order:

  1. In the order pane, under “Terms and Conditions”, click the Custom drop-down menu.
  2. Select one of the T&C you’ve created. You can also leave “Custom” checked, enter the name of a custom set of T&C, and type the terms into the content box.
  3. Fill out the other fields and click Save.
Create publisher contact information

To store publisher contact information that you can use in any order you create in your account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Trafficking > Admin.
  2. Click Sites.
  3. Click a site in the list.
  4. Click Site contacts.
  5. Click New contact.
  6. Enter the contact’s information. First and last names and email are required; phone, job title, and address are optional.
  7. Continue adding contacts. Click Save when you’re done.

Now when you create or modify an order in Planning, the contact info in the “Seller details” section will include a dropdown which lets you select previously saved contacts. The dropdown will show contacts for the sites associated with the order or sites associated with placements in the order. You can also enter custom contact info.

Note: You must have the “Sites: full access” permission in Campaign Manager 360 Trafficking to use this feature. If your Campaign Manager 360 account doesn’t have this permission, your administrator can grant you the permission to create this information, or the administrator can follow the steps above.

Create an insertion order from a template

To create an order from a template you’ve already created, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Orders summary page.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the name of an order template.
  3. Click Copy at the top to create a single copy of the template, or click the down-arrow next to Copy to create multiple copies.
  4. Click the name of the copy to open it.
  5. Rename it as appropriate.
  6. If necessary, change any of the template information.
  7. Under Order documents, click New.
  8. Change the Title and Effective date as necessary, and click Create.
  9. Click Save. The new insertion order appears on your Orders summary page.

Add line items to an order

Once you’ve created an order, it’s available to all items in your inventory. To add a line item to an order, do the following:

  1. On any page except RFP, select a line item and scroll to the right to the Orders column. Click the down-arrow in the column to show the list of available orders, and click the name of the order to which you want to add the item. This applies to credits as well as to placements and placement groups.

Create orders in bulk by site

Have you ever said, “I have all these placements in the plan, I just want to assign them to orders. If the orders don’t exist yet, create them”? Planning can automatically create one order per site and automatically assign placements to those orders. Follow these steps:

  1. Create some placements in Planning.
  2. Mark the placements that you want to buy as "in plan".
  3. Go to the Plan view and click the Assign all to orders... button. A popup will appear, showing the name of the order that will be created to contain all the placements in the plan. Click Assign.


One of the following things will happen:
  • If there is an existing order for a particular site, placements associated with that site will be assigned to that order.
  • If there are multiple existing orders for a particular site, the user can choose which order to assign to.
  • If there are no existing orders for a particular site, this workflow will automatically create an order for that site.

In all cases, the placements in the plan that are not assigned to an order will be assigned to orders. If a placement is already assigned to an order before clicking the button, that placement is ignored. (Planning does not overwrite the existing order assignment.)

Create a change order

To create a change order, follow these steps:

  1. On the Order summary page, click an order’s name.
  2. Under Order documents, select the checkbox next to the name of the order you want to change.
  3. Click Amend…
  4. Edit the default name (“change order”) and effective date as necessary, and click Amend.
  5. The new change order appears below the insertion order it modifies, with the note “Amends <insertion-order-name>”. Click Save.

The change order is a snapshot of your plan that is consistent with all the information contained in the insertion order’s snapshot (buyer and seller information, terms and conditions, etc.).

Send an order to a publisher via email

To send an order directly to a publisher, follow these steps:

  1. Click the order’s name to bring up the side pane.
  2. In the pane, scroll down to the Order documents section.
  3. Under the order you wish to send to the publisher, click the envelope icon next to the download icon.
    1. Clicking gives you the choice to send an order or a cancellation order with an email message. Choose one.
  4. A pop-up appears with some fields already filled in or checked. You can edit most of the fields if you wish.
    1. To. Enter one or more publishers’ email addresses.
    2. Reply to. This is pre-filled with the email address associated with your account login. You can add others and/or replace it if you choose.
    3. Cc. You are checked by default. We recommend that you leave this checked so that you’ll have a copy of the email. You can add other people to receive a copy.
    4. Subject. This is pre-filled with the name of the order. You can edit it if you choose.
    5. Message. Optionally, you can write a message to the publisher.
    6. Attachment. This is the name of the order plus the timestamp of the order document. You can’t edit this information.
  5. Press Send to send the message or Cancel to cancel sending.

The details of messages you send are recorded in the change log for the order.

Note: Publishers can’t currently return signed orders within Planning, and signed copies they send to you in reply to your email messages can’t be uploaded into Planning.

Cancel an order

To cancel an order, do the following:

  1. On the Orders summary page, click the name of the order.
  2. In the order’s detail box, scroll down to Order documents.
  3. Click the underlined down-arrow next to the name of the order you want to cancel.
  4. Click Cancellation Order. This will download a PDF that you can share with the publisher in one of two ways:
    1. By email.
    2. By uploading it to the shared document library of the negotiation channel.

Record the status of a document

You can mark a document as signed or cancelled by clicking the appropriate button in the document’s detail pane and clicking Save. This information will be visible to the agency only, not publishers.

Download a document

To download an order document (including a cancellation order, as shown above), do the following:

  1. On the Orders summary page, click the name of the order.
  2. In the order’s detail box, scroll down to Order documents.
  3. Click the underlined down-arrow next to the name of the order you want to download.
  4. Click Order or Cancellation Order. This will download a PDF that you can share with the publisher in one of two ways:
    1. By email.
    2. By uploading it to the shared document library of the negotiation channel.

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