Renegotiate an accepted guaranteed deal

Learn the steps to renegotiating a "Finalized proposal"

The publisher has the option to reopen a "Finalized proposal" and renegotiate it. The proposal then re-enters "Renegotiation" which requires your acceptance before delivery of impressions is initiated.

  1. Sign in to Authorized Buyers.
  2.  Click Marketplace And then Negotiations.
  3. Click "Add filter".
  4. Select "Deal Type".
  5. Select "Guaranteed" And then "Apply".
  6. Click "Add filter".
  7. Select "Status".
  8. Select "Finalized" And then "Apply".
  9. Click the publisher name whose deal is "Finalized".
  10. Click the name of the publisher whose deal you wish to renegotiate.
  11. Click "Renegotiate".
  12. Click the Deal Name you wish to renegotiate. The Deal must be "Active".
  13. Make changes and click "Apply".
  14. Click "Send Proposal".
  Trigger renegotiation Do not trigger renegotiation Cannot be changed
Fields (settings)
  • Start or end time*
  • Rate
  • Quantity*
  • Inventory sizes*
  • Geo targeting*
  • Set day and time (Dayparting)
  • Additional terms
  • Delivery settings*
  • Additional targeting*
  • Advertiser
  • Buyer

* These fields affect reserved inventory. When a publisher makes changes to these fields, the new inventory is reserved pending your acceptance of the changes. If you accept, the new inventory is automatically transferred to the order.

During renegotiation, impressions that have already started to deliver, continue to deliver under the settings and terms previously negotiated until you accept any changes.


If at any time during review of a new or changed proposal or order, the publisher wishes to terminate negotiation, they may do so only prior to your acceptance.

Next: Report on impressions for guaranteed deals


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