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Why your AdMob account has a payment hold

Your payments may be held for the following reasons:

Tax Tax

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You haven't submitted your tax information. Is your payment address in a country that Google may require you to provide certain tax information? Submit your tax information to Google.

payments Payments

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You haven't verified your identity. Have you submitted the required documents to Google?

Verify your identity.

You haven't verified your address. Have you received a personal identification number (PIN) in the mail? Enter your PIN to verify your payment address.
You haven't set up a form of payment. Have your earnings reached the payment method selection threshold? Set up your form of payment.
You haven't removed a self-hold. Have you chosen to pause your AdMob payments? Remove the self-hold to begin receiving payments again.
Note: You may also see payment holds for some other payments-related issues. If your payments are on hold, you'll see an alert on your Payments page. Click the alert to find out the steps you need to take to remove the hold and become eligible for payment.


policy Compliance

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You have a compliance hold on your account.

You need to provide some information to our Payments team to confirm your identity, before your payment can be made.

Have you received a request from the Google Payments team asking you to verify your personal information? Confirm your personal information.
Your account is currently under review for compliance with the AdMob Program policies and restrictions.

All accounts are monitored for policy compliance and invalid activity. At times, while your account is under investigation, your payments will be temporarily placed on hold.

Is there an alert on your Payments page? You don't need to take action. This hold will be automatically removed at the end of the investigation if your account is policy compliant and your traffic is valid.

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