Enable remnant line item serving mode

Ad Manager publishers in the European Economic Area and Switzerland using the Remnant Line Item Implementation and another ad server as their primary ad server can apply to waive Ad Manager ad serving fees. This setting is available for publishers who have been approved for remnant line item serving mode.

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What is the Remnant Line Item Implementation?

Remnant, or non-guaranteed, line items are line items where no guarantee has been made between the advertiser and publisher that the line item must serve. Any third-party ad network or exchange providing an appropriate ad tag can be represented by a remnant line item that competes based on a price that a publisher enters into Ad Manager.

Remnant Line Item Implementation refers specifically to publishers using Ad Manager solely to access Ad Exchange demand via remnant line items to bid against other demand received by their primary ad server (the ad server used to serve reservation and direct deals).

What are Ad Manager ad serving fees?

Ad Manager requires publishers who exceed the impression thresholds for display, video, or mobile apps to enter into a paid contract in order to pay for the additional impressions. The fees collected on a per-impression basis are called “ad serving fees.” Ad serving fees are a subset of the fee types Google Ad Manager collects from publishers.

How are ad serving fees waived?

When an approved European publisher enables remnant line item serving mode for its network, the account will have ad serving fees waived. This means that, at the end of the month, the publisher’s monthly invoice won’t contain any invoice line items pertaining to ad serving fees.

What demand is allowed if remnant line item serving mode is enabled?

When an approved European publisher is enabled for remnant line item serving mode for its network:

Submit a request to enable remnant line item serving mode

  1. Complete and submit this form to prove you’re a publisher that meets all of these requirements:
    • Your registered place of business is in the European Economic Area (“EEA”) or Switzerland.
    • You use ad servers or SSPs other than Ad Manager to serve ads to users with an IP address in France.
  2. In up to 14 days, we’ll let you know by email if you’ve been approved.

Check the status of remnant line item serving mode

After you’ve been approved for remnant line item serving mode, you can confirm that it’s active:

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Admin and then Global settings
    The “Network settings” tab is selected by default.
  3. Next to “Ad serving settings,” the “Remnant line item serving mode” slider should be enabled.
    This setting is display-only.

Turn off remnant line item serving mode

If you’ve been enabled for remnant line item serving mode and want to turn it off:

  1. Complete and submit this form.
  2. In up to 14 days, we’ll let you know by email when remnant line item serving mode has been turned off.

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