Add targeting to a traffic forecast

To see the traffic forecast for specific components such as an ad unit or category of devices (or any combination of components):

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Inventory and then Traffic forecast.
  3. In the upper left corner, click the Forecast tab if it isn’t already selected.
  4. Below the "Traffic forecast" page title, click Targeting.
  5. Select the components you want to target in the forecast.
  6. Click Done.
    The forecast graph and numbers are updated to reflect the selected targeting.
  7. (Optional) Click Save as segment to save the slice of targeted inventory, which can then be used to add forecast adjustments.

Targeting inventory size and type

Inventory sizes that are automatically restricted by inventory type (such as 640x840v for video) are no longer available. You now need to select both an "Inventory size" and an "Inventory type" to ensure you’re only targeting a certain inventory type for that size.


Targeting a video size before this release:

  1. Click Filter > Requested ad size.
  2. Select 640x840v.
    By clicking a size with the "v" suffix, you’re targeting only video inventory with that size.

Targeting a video size with this release:

  1. Click Targeting > Inventory size.
  2. The sizes with a "v" suffix are no longer available. Instead, select 640x840.
    At this point, you’re targeting 640x840 creatives with any inventory type.
  3. To target only 640x840 video creatives, click Inventory type and select In-stream video and audio.

Targeting and ad units

When targeting by placements or content bundles, note that changing their ad units will affect the adjusted value for the remaining ad units.


If you adjust traffic for a placement by 1 million impressions, and later remove 8 of the 10 ad units from the placement, only 2 ad units will be left to share the adjustment of 1 million impressions.

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